Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Costa Rica

We visited San José, Cahuita and Manzanillo.
Bon w our friend Amy and a pup.

One of Cahuita's fantastic beaches

Bonnie the black sand ballerina.

Tidepoools in Cahuita.

Roots in the sky!
That's what I call R&R!
Brain coral fossil.


These guys come to Manzanillo to die once a year...lucky us!

Brown river? Hmmm....

A Jesus lizard, these guys run on water!

That's a chunk of rock stuck inside, the tree has grown around it.

Who wouldn't one of these? They only poop once a week, they don't smell and they don't bark (though they can be talkative). Sadly, they only eat certain leaves and some fruits, so that means no pet sloth for you!

This is at the Aviarios Slothe Rescue Center outside Cahuita...well worth the visit.

These guys are 7 and 10 days old...we melted.

Party Sloth says: Wazzzuuup?!What a face!
He liked our camera

This is Buttercup, the queen of the rescue center. Such a sweetheart, kept reaching out to hold our hands. She is a 3-fingered sloth (many people mistakenly call them 2 or 3-toed sloths, but they actually ALL have 3 toes, it's the fingers that are different.) which is a very different animal than the 2 toed, which tend to be bigger, heartier -they eat fruit and possibly bugs as well- and more varied in color. 3 toed's like Buttercup can only eat leaves from the trees they inhabit and they are all colored similarly, except males also have a yellow patch on their backs.
Flying home from Florida... we don't reccomend Spirit Airlines!

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