Monday, July 7, 2008


In Nicaragua we visited Ocotal, León, Granada, Isla Ometepe and
El Castillo on the Río San Juan. This posting includes videos of our canopy tour through the stuff!
This is the central park in Ocotal.
The local rodeo was going strong in San Isidro.

Church in León

Notice the serpent sprouts from a base that is labeled "CIA."Another mural depicting fallen martyrs of the Sandinista revolution.
The sign says "Nicaragua will be free when it has children who love her."

The local fire station.

Sandinista propaganda murals in León.
These are of the revolutionary leader Augusto Cesar Sandino.

In remembrance of a massacre.

At Carcel 21, a famous prison where many revolutionaries were tortured and killed.
Today the prison is a museum with displays about local myths and legends. This place had a a very spooky feeling about it.

Depictions of the torture that occurred here.
A statue of a Sandinista revolutionary.

San Juan del Sur

High-tech stereo equipment carried by low-tech oxen and cart.

Bonnie auditions for a Toña beer commerical.


Viking crab!

Surf Crab!

Interesting choice of fragrance.


Granada is on the shores of the very dirty-looking Lago de Nicaragua.

Outside Granada.

Gliding through the canopy with a family of howler monkeys.
The big male came and barked at us for being too close!

3 videos of us doing our Tarzan impressions...

One of the two volcanoes that form Isla Ometepe in the middle of
Lago de Nicaragua, central america's largest lake.

We got a ride from the Ometepe ferry to Santo Domingo with Shireesh and Nina who were in the process of travelling from California to Alaska and back down to Chile and Argentina over 15 months. Thanks for the ride guys, and good luck along your way!

Bonnie walks on water.
Kinda looks like India...

These cool birds were common on Ometepe .
As were these "cara blanca" monkeys and howler monkeys.Chowin' on some popcorn from the trash heap.

Our travelling companions for a few days from bottom left: Bonnie, Amy and Darren from Canada, Phillip from Germany, Eva and Anamie from Belgium.

Our ride for 3 cramped hours down the Río San Juan to the town of El Castillo.

A mobile convenience store pulled up to our boat.

The namesake of the town of El Castillo.
Another Spanish fort built to defend against pirate raids.

Someone's outhouse over the river...eeeww!

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